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How to Navigate the Product Center

Keyword Search - Enter any keywords into the search box on the Home page and click the magnifying glass icon to display results that match your keywords.

Topic Type Filter - - Filter topics displayed in the results window by selecting specific topic types on the left side navigation menu that you want to focus on. Select one or multiple topic types.

Use Case Filter - Filter results displayed in the results window by selecting specific use cases on the left side navigation menu that you want to focus on. Select one or multiple use cases.

View Results - Select the "View Results" link on the right side of any result to view more detailed information about the topic. Additional subtabs may be displayed on the detailed information screen as available in the knowledgebase. Subtabs may be selected to find out more information about the topic such as: Search Options, Data Coverage, Supporting Documents (i.e. Sample Reports, Product Sheets, etc.), and other useful information.

Feedback for the Product Center

Product Center Feedback is intended to get ideas to improved the Product Center

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